More work on the shoulder
The last two days have been stressful costume days. My plans for the shoulders kept
failing thanks to the transformation. I think though I've finally got a system worked out
that will allow rotation of my arm in both the z and x axis. I built a prototype and tested it
out so far it seems to be working. I also began working on my chest and back which looks
to be another huge design, though it shouldn't be as difficult as the shoulders proved
to be.
Here's the upper arm again, I added some more tubing to
strengthen the whole system.
This is going to be the back. It will pull apart to make the chest
bigger to allow for the arms to fit at my sides in truck mode.
Finally here's the forearm just added some more cardboard
for added integrity.
failing thanks to the transformation. I think though I've finally got a system worked out
that will allow rotation of my arm in both the z and x axis. I built a prototype and tested it
out so far it seems to be working. I also began working on my chest and back which looks
to be another huge design, though it shouldn't be as difficult as the shoulders proved
to be.
The way the shoulder works is that there is a piece of tubing that can
rotate around it, which is attached to the other shoulder piece. The new piece
will be attached to the chest and will be able to swivel on the z-axis to allow
more mobility.
rotate around it, which is attached to the other shoulder piece. The new piece
will be attached to the chest and will be able to swivel on the z-axis to allow
more mobility.
Here's the upper arm again, I added some more tubing to
strengthen the whole system.
This is going to be the back. It will pull apart to make the chest
bigger to allow for the arms to fit at my sides in truck mode.
Finally here's the forearm just added some more cardboard
for added integrity.
That's all for today, now I'm off to the bar for some partying :D.